Jig and Fly of The Month — October 2017

Fly of the Month:

The HJB in peacock special. October is one of the prime months for both largemouth and peacock bass in our canals along with snook and tarpon. The number 1 HJB peacock special would be my absolute fly of choice! This will smoke them in any of the glades canals or creeks and anywhere the fish have access to cichlids for forage. Come check them out at the shop.

Jig of the Month:

This is one of my favorite baits for October to fish for snook in the Backcountry. The Rapala TWR-8. This is a wood bait carved from Balsa and is an all-time favorite in the Glades. We have three colors left and one of the few shops that have any left at all. Come and get them so you can catch that keeper fish. – Roan z.