October Spells Swordfish

Hydroglow light and swordfish.
Hydroglow light and swordfish.

October to me spells swordfish! There is typically a good push of swordfish off south Florida in October.

This is a good time to target swordfish both day and night. Daytime swordfish require high tech methods and tackle. Fishing for swordfish at night can be laid back relaxing fun.

Bouncer's Tip of the Month

For nighttime swordfish trips you need 4 or 5 outfits with 30 to 80 pound line. Here monofilament is preferred. For bait you should bring 6 to 10 medium rigged squid. These baits are easy to rig yourself, or you can buy them pre rigged. The biggest swordfish we ever caught was on a pre rigged squid from Bait Masters. We tagged and released this estimated 600 pound monster and then found out the pictures were useless.

To complete your supplies you need a few LP Duralites, some 16 ounce bank sinkers, a few number 64 rubber bands and a couple empty milk jugs or 2 liter bottles.
Check your running lights and VHF radio and head out to 1200 to 1500 feet of water for some enjoyable fishing.

When you reach your desired depth ten miles southeast of your home port and the sun is setting in the west set your lines out ranging from 100 to 500 feet below the surface. The bottles make great bobbers for a couple lines and the rubber bands are used to fasten floats and sinkers to your lines. I would not dream of night time swordfishing without a Hydroglow green light hanging below my boat.

Once your lines are out and your running lights are on, fire up your hibachi, throw some grub on said hibachi and wait for your brat or a buzzing clicker.

Bouncer’s Dusky 33
(305) 439-2475