Guy Harvey Outpost – Okeechobee

At a standing room only Okeechobee County Commission meeting held on July 9th, the County Commission unanimously approved a proposal … Jul 30th, 2015

Species Spotlight: Jaguar Guapote

Name: Jaguar Guapote Status: Non-native Native Range: Atlantic slope of Central and South America Florida Range: Coastal canal system of … Jul 1st, 2015

What is Biobutanol?

Biobutanol is a four-carbon alcohol produced by the fermentation of biomass. It has a long hydrocarbon chain which renders it … Jul 1st, 2015

Summer is Mosquito Season

As we enter the summer months here in south-central Florida, there are a few basic outdoor trends we can guarantee, … Jul 1st, 2015

Lake Profile: Kissimmee River

Many river fishermen enjoy fishing rivers and for those of us in the counties of Polk, Highlands and Okeechobee, the … Jul 1st, 2015

Industry News: July 2015

FROM: SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT MAY 26, 2015 – By: Randy Smith From Savings to Supply: New SFWMD Storage Area … Jul 1st, 2015

Turkeys in Review

Turkey season has closed for this year and it was truly a great season for the lodge we run in … Jul 1st, 2015

Lure of the Month: Heddon Baby Torpedo

As most Floridians have experienced, some years we by-pass Spring and jump right from Winter into Summer, and this year seems to be one of those years...Jul 1st, 2015