On the Range: June 2021

By Chuck Papp,, Contributing Writer

The Glock 19 – the best choice in a self defense sidearm.

One of the most common questions we get in the shop or at the range is what type of handgun I should buy to protect myself. This question is just like the other “what do I buy” questions one has when looking for a new car, TV, or even a pan for frying an egg.

Just do some research. Google and other websites can only tell you so much. The best advice I give people is to go to a range and take a lesson if you are a total novice, then try some of the handguns out there. How many vehicles do you test drive before you buy one?  How many stores do you shop for the best deal on a new TV or appliance? It should be no different with a handgun. This item you might be purchasing just might be used to save your life one day, so you need to have an idea of what is best for you.

Now, in “MY” opinion, there are only two choices of the Glock 19 or the Smith and Wesson Model 60 Revolver. When it comes to a range, practice, or home defense/security firearm these two options are the answer. The Glock 19 is more complex, and the Smith and Wesson is simpler, yet both effective and all the protection someone needs.

Do your research, test them out, and do not forget to take some lessons so you can use them responsibly.