Puerto Rican Wahoo

By Jessica Harris Hendrie

Imagine the perfect day of fishing in Puerto Rico. It’s starts early with a golden sunrise and bait jumping all around. You’re setting out from a little town where the locals are already out, preparing their boats for the day’s catch. The atmosphere is full of seasoned fisherman and salt. Your charter for the day is another local expert full of stories and tips. And you learn quickly that not many Floridians get taken on Puerto Rican charters. As you hop on the old Viking that will soon be retiring, you make a plan. You’ll be on a full ride to the deep sea where Marlin are abundant, Tuna are biting and the wahoo are chasing. The captain gets us through the sea with ease, breezing through in his flip flops and aged tan lines. As you reach the prime fishing spot, that just may be a milk crate floating, the real fun begins. You let out your lines in hopes that one will pop off and shake like crazy… the wait is peaceful. You spark conversation with the captain and realize you have a lot in common. Then BOOM! There’s a line that popped off with a fish on! Your husband and the captain are shouting encouragement and maybe a few bad jokes but after a spirited struggle, you reel in a beautiful, blue wahoo gleaming in the sunlight. Fast forward, lunchtime fast approaches. And what better way to fish than to have a fresh meal with your catch? You get told that a nearby beach restaurant will cook it for you, but you can’t forget to say that the captain sent you.. you feel honored. The fish is grilled, seasoned with local spices and herbs making for a delicious meal and taste of victory. As the day ends, you head home with wonders of when you’ll be back for another beautiful day of fishing in Puerto Rico.