Roadtrip Fishing: Louisiana, Here we come again!

By Keith Lozott Contributing Writer

Ready to see tails flagging us down on the flat or in a “trenasse”.

Whether it’s a black drum or a redfish, I can’t wait to see you.

Maps loaded and studied with spots marked.

Boat prepped, cleaned, and running smoothly.

The trailer is fully serviced ready for the highway.

Tackle boxes loaded with Bayou specific gear.

The chartreuse root beer Paddle Tails plentiful.

Gold and copper spoons on hand.

The Booyah Jig ready for battle.

And for the record I didn’t forget the Peroni Beer bottlecap lure for laughs

(it works).

Easy breakfast, fast lunch a recipe for more fishing.

Plenty of beer, snacks, and meat for dinner.

I can’t wait, here we come Bayou!!!

Keith Lozott The Fishing Realtor