The 2018-2019 season has everyone on edge every time the temperature drops below 60 degrees. This is not the one variable that makes for a strong shrimp run. So, relax and take comfort in knowing January is when we start seeing some decent sizes.
Shrimping season hunting usually begins with the January moon events. In December Edgewater was catching small shrimp off private docks. History shows the middle of January to middle of February is when the big run begins and continues through May/June. Titusville has had some success via boat at Rail- road Bridge. The sizes are nice, and these were caught back in November. Shrimp grow about 2 inches a month so imagine how big they will be this month. January is a tough month to shrimp because the run is mostly lean. We do not expect to see full pulls this month. It will be 1⁄4 to 2 gallons at best but the sizes are priceless. Typically the earlier the season the larger the shrimp. This is why we hunt this month thru February aggressively, so we can get quality shrimp over quantity. Come March the dinks come out, and 5 gallons is real easy. January and February shrimping takes a lot more skill to dial into the big ones.
The Titusville pier is open, new restaurant and bait store. The pier is restored from 2016 hurricanes and all new electrical wiring and breakers. Please do not use monofilament frame nets, they are illegal. You can dip while you are underway but you cannot drag a box/frame net. Please check your navigation lights and carry a back-up if you blow one out. We are seeing kayak and paddle boarders dipping, and they need to see us when we move around. Keep an eye on barges, they will strike your vessel if you do not move, they have no choice. For daily intel come to our Facebook group, “Florida Shrimping Academy – Tips & Tricks”.