By Capt. Justin Napior
Happy Fall everyone! October is here and the redfish bite is heating up. It’s that time of year when I look forward to some nice low tide, back country fishing. Sight fishing reds with artificial is a blast in the fall! The bigger trout move in as well. Snook will still be hanging around on the outside, but they will start pushing into the backwater soon.
Redfish can be found pretty much all over the place. Outside points with good hard bottom, passes, oyster bars, and shallow bays. The classic jig tipped with shrimp is a great way to search for them. My personal favorite is a Wyze Guyz paddle tail on a 1/8th ounce jig head. I’ll look for them pushing in shallow bays, bars and around creek mouths. Watching a redfish charge a paddle in a foot of water is a site to see! I’ll never forget last fall, I was polling my skiff around a really nice backwater bay with lots of oyster bars. I was just looking around enjoying the view when I saw a group of reds cruising so shallow their backs were out of the water! I stopped and watched them feed off this oyster bar for a good ten minutes. Finally, I couldn’t resist tacking a cast and catching one, in the ankle-deep water. After a fun fight and a quick picture, I sent him on his way, hopped back up on the polling tower and continued watching them feed, studying the way they moved. You can learn a lot from watching the way fish move around, it can help you with bait placement and knowing when and where to target them on a given tide. I hope everyone has a killer fall! I still have open days available this month and you can contact me down below to book an adventure. Tight lines!! Contact info below
Back Country Culture 239-682-7101