Slow and Steady

By Joe Sheaffer

As we enter the fall season, we will be looking for schools of redfish entering the bays and creeks. Usually, the schools of reds are more aggressive as they hang together in these large groups. There are many different techniques and lure presentations that can be successful in getting redfish to strike during this time of year. One lure that many use this time of year is a spoon. It seems every angler has a certain spoon, color, different ways to rig it, different ways to retrieve it and many other strategies. I’m definitely not an expert, but I have figured out a few things that have helped me catch more redfish with this lure. These are some keys that have been productive using this lure. 1: I typically use a Gold Spoon, usually a ¼ -½ oz, depending on wind, current, and depth. I have used many different makes and models and have had success with each. 2: I usually tie the spoon to my leader with a loop knot and have had no issues with line twist, but a uni knot works fine. Some anglers prefer to use a swivel to help eliminate line twists. 3: I like to make long casts as this really makes a difference especially with schooling fish. 4: I don’t attach anything to the spoon but will use some type of a scent (like Procure). I’m not sure how much scent helps but I definitely don’t think it hurts. 5: The most important strategy is the retrieve. Using a STEADY and SLOW retrieve has proven to be more effective. Faster erratic presentations haven’t proved to be as successful. One last thing, I have caught many snook, trout and other species with this lure, so it can be an effective all-around presentation. The spoon is definitely a very effective lure, and I would encourage you to give it a try anytime but especially during the fall when the reds are schooled up. Good luck and keep casting!