By Mark Raudenbush:
The weather here in Southwest Florida has finally turned. The first few cold fronts have already passed through and our seasonal residents have settled in. Here at the shop that means the beginning of steering system replacement season.
You may be wondering why in the world would this time of year specifically, be steering season. It’s a logical question. There are two main reasons why steering systems seem to fail more often this time of year and those reasons depend upon the steering system your boat uses. Smaller skiffs and older boats primarily use cable driven steering systems, larger boats use hydraulic or power assisted hydraulic systems.
Since so many of our local residents are seasonal to some extent or another in how we use our boats, this time of year is often the time we haul out the boat for the first time after a long hiatus. Cable steering systems, like many other components of your boat, don’t do well sitting up for long periods. You’ll hear me say often in the column “use it or lose it” which is very applicable here. Cable steering allowed to sit up unused for long periods of time inevitably will bind up, due to corrosion or lack of lubrication, becoming a bear to operate. Leading to the need to replace the cable.
To prevent this problem to the best extent you can, every time you step onto the boat exercise the steering by turning the wheel (or the tiller) full port and full starboard a few times, to exercise the cable and steering components.
Hydraulic and power assisted steering systems don’t suffer from this type of corrosion. But alas, they have their own frailties. Newer systems are likely to give you many years of trouble-free use. However, once a boat or its steering components get 7-10 years on them, the problems can begin to occur. With the weather change from the heat of the summer to the cooler days of the fall and winter, the metal, plastic and rubber components of your steering system contract with cooler weather. This seasonal cooling can allow the hydraulic fluids in your steering system to slip past its seals and cause steering troubles. Loss of fluid, air in the system and even total system failures.
Obviously a sound and fully functional steering system is essential to safe boating, whether your boat has multiple outboards with power assisted steering, a single tiller handle or even inboard outboard boats, the steering system is an essential element of a safe and fun boating excursion.
Every time you step on the boat check your steering system, exercise it often and at any signs of troubles, before they become safety issues come see us at Wolcott Marine.
Wolcott Marine is located at 854 River Point Drive, Naples, FL 34102, phone: 239-417-2896. Stop in and say “Hi” to Mark and become part of the Wolcott Marine Family where top quality boats, exceptional service, and happiness is guaranteed is their business!
Happy Steering Season.