Jr. Angler: July 2020

My Fishing Adventures

By Christopher Sprague  Jr. Angler-Team Tuppens, Contributing Writer

Hello Anglers!

Throughout this quarantine, I have been doing a ton of bass fishing. I have been going out nearly every day with a friend in my neighborhood. We usually just use some Gambler swimbaits for the open canals and frogs for weeded areas, but every now and then we will buy live bait and catch many more fish. Another amazing thing that I got is a Curado DC 150HG Baitcaster. It has an electric microchip, which brakes the reel the perfect amount to minimize the chance of backlashes and bird nests. It’s expensive, but worth every penny. I can cast around 40 percent farther, which is a great advantage to get to the spot that you really want. The only downside is the higher chance of overcasting, but you can just turn up the brakes or learn how to maintain your distance to prevent overcasting. Throughout my neighborhood, there are many lakes and canals.  My friend and I chose a lake, we grabbed our rods and put a live bait on.  Just as I put my live bait in the water, I got a 5.5 lb. bass, which was my PB. Then my friend threw his bait out and caught a 6 lb. bowfin. We were so happy that we finally found a good spot! We kept fishing there and got 2 more small bass. Overall, I am just happy to be able to get out and fish during this crazy time. Stay Safe out there!