Abaco Inshore Forecast – July 2012

David Coleman with a bone caught wading the flats. PHOTO CREDIT: Donnie Lowe/Bonefish Heaven.

July is going to be hot in Abaco, so be sure to bring your sunscreen! A good month for bonefishing, but we usually only do half-day charters this time of year due to the afternoons just being too hot for the fish to bite and we recommend going out as early as possible.

Cherokee Flats always has big bonefish, permit, tarpon, barracuda, shark and mutton snapper in the summer time. A little bit of everything for a great day of fishing. The bones will be in schools, comprised of big (6 to 10 pounds) fish and small (1 to 4 pounds) fish. If using a fly rod a number 8-weight rod is best with a number 6 fly. Light tan color flies, Crazy Charlies, Gotcha, and Pink Puffs are the best to use around Abaco. Bahamas bonefish love the Pink Puff. When tailing fish are around, it’s best to use flies with no eyes. They hit the water very softly and don’t spook the fish.

The Marls flats, which is on the back side of the island, has great fishing. You’ll find smaller bonefish than those on the Cherokee Flats, but in exchange, you’ll find plenty of them. You will also see barracuda, permit and sharks. If you want to catch sharks or barracuda, a 9-weight rod will be better, with bigger flies of course. If spin fishing, it’s best to use light tackle: 6 foot rod with a 10- to 12-pound test line. You can use bait or lures.

With a lighter tackle spin rod, try a 6 foot rod with 10-pound test line, and either artificial or live bait.

We also offer bottom fishing trips, offshore charters and snorkeling around the reefs. We have all the equipment you’ll need, so come down and have some fun on the island of Abaco.

FORECAST BY: Donnie Lowe
Bonefish Heaven
Marsh Harbour, Abaco
Email: bonefishheaven@coralwave.com
Telephone: (242)366-2275