They’re here…WAHOO! Don’t waste any time getting out on the water here in South Abaco. The wahoo are here and in full force. Reports coming out of Cherokee and South Abaco are packed with great numbers for day trips (six to eight fish) out to catch these tasty guys. The fish are running in the areas around Tilloo and Elbow Cay but generally migrate south as the “winter” comes upon us. Using your best Black Bart lures and running a spread of four to five lines gives you your best chance, along with some rigged ballyhoo that I like to put on the outriggers makes for an awesome show when you see the ‘hoos hit that line coming out of the water. After a few months of deep dropping under my belt, it is a great feeling to have the wind in my hair again as we troll along the edge of the reef, weaving in and out to get the best chance at our intended target. Keep good “numbers” as you mark you catches as they tend to hang in schools. Good luck and let’s see “Hoo” can send me some pictures this month of their biggest catch!
Tight lines my friends.