Latest in Fishing & Outdoors

Invasive Catfish Sets State Record

Flathead catfish are considered invasive in Maryland waters, but that didn’t dampen the excitement when angler Joshua Dixon hooked into a 57-pound flathead while fishing the Susquehanna River

Coast Guard Rescues Fisherman Bitten By Shark

The U.S. Coast Guard rescued a 51-year-old fisherman who was bitten by a shark near the Bahamas. A helicopter crew from Air Station Miami lifted the man to safety from a fishing boat near Bimini on Monday afternoon. (Feb. 22)

Find & Catch Deep Winter Flounder

Do all flounder migrate offshore during the winter? I can’t be certain, but I have caught them in every month of the year. Those late-winter catches may have been flounder that never left, or they might be some that returned early. But one thing is for sure, during cold weather is when I have caught my largest flounder.

Go Slow And Small

Right now, bait size can make all the difference between stacking ’em up and getting skunked. Live baits are really the best bet when things get tough, but for hard-headed anglers—like me—who prefer artificials, it’s important to use smaller profile baits and slow down the retrieve considerably.

California Man Caught With Live, Endangered Sturgeon Stuffed In Trunk Of Car

The green sturgeon survived despite not being stored in water while in the vehicle

North Carolina Man Breaks 60-Year-Old Fishing Record

Todd Spangler reeled in a 12-pound, 8-ounce speckled trout

Miami International Boat Show Opening Day 2022

Quick walk through Wednesday morning. Video by Charlie McCullough

Wintertime Tips For Trout

If you fish where trout live, chances are there is plenty of winter weather to fish through before the bounty of spring. Here are some tips from the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife to improve your cold-weather trout trips.

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Young Anglers Reel in Sailfish Dreams at Second Annual Keys Kids Tournament

On February 8th, fifty-seven young anglers set sail on 21 boats in the waters of Islamorada for the Second Annual Keys Kids Sailfish Tournament. This free, one-day event featured youth in two divisions: small-fry (ages 0-10) and junior (ages 11-16).

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Dry Tortugas Are a Hidden Jewel

The seven small islands that make up the Dry Tortugas lie 70 miles due west of Key West, a fisherman’s and naturalist’s paradise. These are hidden jewels.

Diving & SpearfishingView More

Under The Sea – Spearfishing Apparel

The popularity of spearfishing in the U.S. has grown, and it has spawned product innovation and improvements not only with spearguns, but with dive apparel.

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That GOAT’s Six Million Dollar Boat!

Lets take a look at Tom Brady's Six Million Dollar Yacht

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