The redfish breeding season is typically most active in September and October. Some fish will get an earlier start while some will linger into November. There are no hard and fast rules as to exactly when, where or how often an active spawn will take place. It is common belief that New Moon and Full Moon phases dictate the most activity. I personally believe this to be true even in our land-locked and non-tidal area.Brevard EditionAug 26th, 2013
Those who have frequented the lagoon shallows over the end of August and through the end of this month will have noticed change in redfish daily activities.Capt. AlexAug 26th, 2013
It was a flat calm day out on the Lagoons on Tuesday. The Mosquito, Banana River, and Indian River were all glass. Top water plugs with minimal rattle are performing very well. Small prop baits worked very slowly tend to be working well. Both of these are working well in the shallower flats.captjimrossAug 1st, 2013
A variety of species are available to anglers fishing the Atlantic Ocean outside of the Port Canaveral area this month. Flounder will strike finger mullet and mud minnows rigged on sliding sinker rigs or HookUp jig heads near wrecks and buoys. Bluefish, jack, and mangrove snapper are other species that anglers will find near these structures. captjimrossJul 27th, 2013
High temperatures and brown river water seems to be the flavor this season. Lately, It has been of concern if the shrimp are safe for consumption. We all eat seafood at our own risk, but I can tell you FWC has not published any reports with any type of caution about contamination with the brown tide issues.Brevard - Capt LeenogaJul 26th, 2013
The Docks from Mathers bridge north to Pineda on the Banana River and docks on the Indian River Lagoon from Rockledge to Cocoa have been producing a good number of small snook, mangrove snapper, redfish and trout.Brevard - Capt Glyn AustinJul 26th, 2013
It’s redfish spawning season in our local waters of the North Indian River Lagoon. Actually, the main spawn is likely to be September & October with a few early spawners in mid to late August. Brevard EditionJul 26th, 2013
August has rolled into the Space Coast on the heels of a wet July. Water quality has improved in the northern Indian River and Mosquito Lagoon. Capt. AlexJul 26th, 2013
Those of you staying home because of the hype about the brown algae bloom are doing yourselves a great disservice. Yes, we are experiencing a bloom and yes, some areas are dirtier than we would like. Yes, we are still catching fish. Brevard EditionJul 26th, 2013