Hello everybody!  May is such a great month in Cedar Key Florida to be on and around our fisheries.  What would you like to catch?  A 150- pound tarpon?  How about a cobia, king, tripletail, seatrout, or what we are famous for, a big ol’ nasty redfish?  It is happening right now.  The water temp has finally climbed up from the real winter that we experienced, and the bait fish have hit our shallows, and everything follows the bait.  Let’s talk about bait and tackle for a minute.  If you are going to be on the water in a boat of any kind, where you can make lots of casts and move around, make sure you bring an arsenal of different color plastics and spoons.  Some of the more popular colors I have found are electric chicken, new penny, and my favorite is a pearl white swimming mullet with a chartreuse jig head.  Toss them around and don’t be afraid to switch it up.  I promise that they must eat; you just gotta figure out what they are craving.  It’s not as hard to figure out as where your spouse would like to eat, and it’s more fun.  Okay, so you are fishing from land.  You can absolutely use artificial tackle, but live bait will up your chance of drawing your prey to you.  Best three live baits are pin fish, mud minnows, and we’ll we all know everything eats shrimp in the gulf. Just like everything in the woods around my house eats my chickens.  Well I hope this helps and if you ever have any questions on where, what, or when, please swing in the shop and I will help the best I can.  Take a kid fishing!  We had a lot of kids catch their first big fish last month, and we need to get more