Cedar Key Paddling

Cedar Key Paddling – August 




Well folks, if you are reading this,“Congratulations, you have so far survived the apocalypse of 2020.It’sHOT and the Suwannee is dumping so much extra water into the Cedar Keys area, but hopeful, as I write, the salinity is getting back to normal, and the bite is getting better.  Even if the bite has been tough, Cedar Keyswaters and islands have been a very popular spot for social distancing.  We are also at that time of year when it is extremely tough to get quality live shrimp, or any for that matter, so let’s all be patient.  Live pin fish have been working extremely well when the fish have decided to eat.  Speaking of eating, lets mention the second most important thing about going fishingSNACKS! This is the time to load up on all your guilty pleasures and share them with your kids on the water.  Slow bite gives you entry of time to talk about their favorite snacks, and other things that are important to them.  Hope you enjoyed, and I hope to see you soon.