With April bringing a fairly consistent two-to-four foot swell, forecasters are predicting May will more than likely produce the same conditions, since the weather patterns aren’t expected to change dramatically over the next 30 days. However, May is the last month before the usual summer doldrums set in. In May the prevailing wind direction is easterly (onshore) but usually lighter than 10 knots or less, creating near glassy conditions. Air temperatures are near 90 degrees and the water temperatures near 80 degrees.
There is always the possibility of hurricane season starting early and if so, those early tropical waves can make late May worth the trip. Don’t put that board away just yet, there still are waves to be had!
FORECAST BY: Tom Glucksmann, Manager
Bahamas Out Island Adventures and Surfer’s Haven Guesthouse
Eleuthera, Bahamas
Phone: (242) 335-0349 or (242)551-9635
Website: www.bahamasadventures.com
Email: tom@bahamasadventures.com