Exuma Fishing Report and Forecast: Sept. 2013

fish-rowe-chartersIf you are heading to the Exumas this month, you may have to work a little harder and may spend more time fishin’ than catchin’. However, you can still find birds and where you find birds you will still find some tuna. Early morning is going be your best time to head out. Marlin will still be a possibility, as long as water temperatures stay below 90 degrees. If the birds don’t cooperate, you may as well go deep dropping in 450 to 1200 feet of water. There will be plenty of bottom action for snapper and grouper and you can still have plenty of fun.

During the down-time of September, most of the charter operators and fishermen use these weeks to service their boats and gear in preparation for wahoo season, which is just around the corner. Come mid to late October, we should be welcoming the wahoo back to our waters. It is always an exciting time. We look forward to your visit to The Exumas.
