reefs of Grand Bahama Island. Photo credit Eddy Raphael Photography.
Water temperature is reaching the season high of 86 degrees. Visibility is still very good and we are not noticing any major changes in the life and reef health. August is usually a great month for night dives. We do recommend them any time, but during this time of the year, the warm water and warm air make the evening excursion even more pleasant. During the August night dives, it’s possible to observe different sponges and corals spawning. It is a special event that requires some good fortune to witness, but the effect is of an underwater snowstorm. In any case, a night dive will be a delight of colors, a chance to observe animals tucked away under the reef during the day coming out: basket star fish, long spine sea urchins, octopus, eels and more. The occasional turtle may just be sleeping somewhere under a ledge or a small wreck. Some local operators also offer a lights out portion of your night dive to allow you to see and experience the “bio luminescence” of plankton, creating a firefly effect through the water column and the reef.