Grand Bahama Flats Fishing Report and Forecast: Aug. 2013

Capt. Whitney Rolle and Floridian Loudes Menocal enjoyed a productive day on the flats of East Grand Bahama. Photo credit: Firefly Bonefishing.
Capt. Whitney Rolle and Floridian Loudes Menocal enjoyed a productive day on the flats of East Grand Bahama. Photo credit: Firefly Bonefishing.

Any day of fishing is better than a day working but August is different fishing because the water is very warm on the flats. Because of this, the bonefish will move into deeper water or to a place where the water is moving fast. Fast moving water makes the water a little cooler. It is sort of like having a breeze on a hot day. It’s best to fish for bones in the morning and fish permit in the afternoon. We see many permit on the flats in these warmer months. It seems like the warm water does not disturb them. We have some of the largest permit here in East Grand Bahama and this may be the time to catch your prize fish with a live crab on the spin rod or crab flies on the fly rod. An 8 weight or 9 weight rod with a fifteen pound test leader is suggested. Permit are not easy to catch on fly and this is what makes catching one so special. Visit East Grand Bahama Island and enjoy flats fishing at its finest!