Firefly Bonefishing.
Spring is turning into summer and we all know that it is the height of the fishing season. This is a very good time for bone fishing because spring is the time of year when the fish and birds are making plans for having young ones. The fish will be moving around the flats gathering. Some of these schools can have thousands of fish in each. Because these fish are on the move, the best way to fish for them here in East Grand Bahama would be to fish the shoreline flats. As the large schools of fish move along the flats, the best way to catch a fish out of the school is to put the fly or bait in front of the school, not to the left or right side. Most of the time, if you cast on either side of the school of fish as they are moving, they will not turn out of the way to go after the bait or fly because they don’t want to be left behind. So keep this in mind as you work your way around the schooling fish. If you are casting to a single fish you want to put your fly a foot or two in the front of his nose (depending on how deep the water is) because if you lead the fish to the left or right, many times they would see the leader and fly line and show no interest in the fly. As always, your bait presentation is a critical part of your success.
The pristine waters and flats of East Grand Bahama are here just waiting for you to experience the adventure of a lifetime.
FORECAST BY: Capt. Whitney Rolle
Firefly Bonefishing
East Grand Bahama, Grand Bahama Island
Phone: (242) 553-1008