Grand Bahama Offshore Fishing Forecast – December 2011

The wahoo keep getting bigger on Grand Bahama Island.

Yahoo for wahoo…and the month of December! I am in love with the two new lures in my angler arsenal, a 14 ounce Cow Bell and the Payback Monster Action Jet, both made by Ballyhood Top Gun Lures. I picked these lures up while I was at the Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show from Darrell Primrose, the inventor of the Ballyhood Lures. Just like a kid on Christmas morning, I could not wait to put the lures to the test. We pulled out of Old Bahama Bay Marina and started to troll in front of Wood Cay. I placed the Cow Bell Lure on the shotgun up close to the boat with just a shock leader (no lead), and the two Payback Monster lures with 8 ounce trolling leads and shock leaders out just enough from the boat wash so the Jet Heads could do its thing. Trolling at 8 to 11 knots in 200 to 600 feet of water, before we could even get pass Sandy Cay, we caught five wahoo and three nice bull dolphin. The dolphin seemed to like the Payback Monster with the orange and black skirt the best. The largest two wahoo, 56 pounds and 62 pounds, hit the Cowbell. With a great successful morning we headed back in from only fishing four hours and had the second half of the day bonefishing in my backyard of the cottage. These are the days you know “You’re Living The Dream.” More of the same is in store for the month of December. Come fish Grand Bahama Island!

FORECAST BY: Nathan Moody
Old Bahama Bay, West End
Grand Bahama Island, Bahamas
Phone (242) 350-6500 • Fax: (242) 346-6494
