Green Parrot Lionfish Derby Nets 300 lionfish

NASSAU, BAHAMAS — Tournament organizers of the Green Parrot Lionfish Derby, which took place on August 16, 2014, reported a successful derby with 13 registered boats.

“Our 13 teams only brought 300 lionfish, which in this case, is a good thing,” said Lindsay Mulock, Marketing and Events Manager, Port & Starboard Limited.

The Mailis family on “Rum Runner” won the top prize for the most fish with 97 lionfish. Their prize package included a paddleboard, donated by Harbourside Marine, and a $500 gas voucher. Sammy Bastian caught the largest lionfish, 2.1-pounds.

In addition to a live ban, and lionfish cleaning and preparation demonstrations, attendees had the opportunity to sample lionfish dishes.

Tournament proceeds went to the Bahamas National Trust for research.