Happy Hatch Day Miss Abaco

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Okay, so this isn’t a fishing, boating, diving, surfing, outdoors or conservation related post. It’s simply a “Happy Hatch Day” to our first hatched Amazon parrot, Abaco. (How did we ever come up with her name?)

Abaco (a Bluefront Amazon), is 9 today and she is living quite the life. She’s been down to the southern Caribbean and back. Yes, she has a birdy passport and probably more frequent flyer miles than some humans.  Besides us, she shares her world with four “sisters,” Bacardi (a Double Yellowhead Amazon), Lola Marie (a Red Lore Amazon), Tobago (a Panama Amazon), and Carmen (a Mexican Redhead Amazon).

Our household is a lively one. Those of you who have avian pets can surely relate.

Readers, thank you for allowing us to be silly. Miss Abaco has taught us not to take life too seriously.

Happy Hatch Day Abaco! Thank you for sharing our world and for all the love and laughter you bring to our lives.
