Kayak Fishing

By: Eric Henson

This summer has been pretty hot and not very wet. Last year’s weather was very similar in these ways which generally makes for decent fishing conditions and thankfully no red tide. Although we could use some rain to cool the water temps down a bit, fishing has been right on point for this time of year. What a great month to target snook, especially if you enjoy sight fishing. Snook can be found all over this time of month but especially on the beaches and passes close by. Be ready because when you find them, they will be grouped up. Generally, lots of smaller males hang near the larger females. A lot of times the males will be super aggressive but every now and again you will get big momma to bite! Please just handle these fish with care because they are in the middle of their spawning period.

Tarpon are just about everywhere from the deep or even freshwater backwaters to the salty beaches. Look for the tall tail, sign of the silvery fish rolling on the surface of the water. Once you see one, you can generally count on a bunch more being close by! Just be ready for them when they pop up because they will test you in every way from your tackle, nerves, excitement, and humility. And they don’t seem to mind the heat.

Get ready for redfish as it is the beginning of spawning season. These fish will be joining forces in huge schools scouring the flats for their next meal. A lot of the Redfish will be upper to over-slot fish but tons of fun to catch!

With the water temperatures being hot as they are, if the fish are acting too sluggish to chase down a lure, don’t be afraid to slow things down a bit. AND PLEASE handle all fish with care because this time of year being so hot, it’s a lot easier for them to die from just pure exhaustion.

Make sure to be safe, stay hydrated, and respect your fellow anglers on the waters at all times! There is plenty of water out there for everyone. Tight lines and Tight knots to all!