her son fishing!
I sometimes have to laugh at myself when out on the water with clients. I get those days when we are out on the lake, talking about their lives back in the world and I’m lost for a moment when they say something like it’s “almost fall back home” and I think to myself: “Well, at least the temps will drop from the mid-90’s to the mid-to-upper-80’s for a couple months.” I was in Publix and they have Dunkin’ Doughnuts Pumpkin Spice coffee on the shelf, I wanted to quote our wonderful sheriff, Grady Judd, just roll my eyes and say “Ohhhh man, come on, really?!” All that said, I guess the calendar says it’s almost fall.
So, let’s get down to business and talk about fishing out of Camp Mack on the Kissimmee River. The quick version is the fishing has been very good for being this dang hot! The full situation is we have been catching a good amount of fish, and with quality big fish mixed in nearly every trip out and I fully expect that to continue. We’ve had heavy rains this summer in July and thru August and that has made the state keep the locks moving water through the system, and has had the fish just going on crazy feeding frenzies. I’ve focused all of our trips on finding moving water if it’s still we just do not get the same big bites. But, when the water is moving across a grass flat or shell bed and you see birds hunting, you know the shiners and bait are there and I will promise you this: the bass are going to be nearby ready to join that party with the all you can eat buffet. Throwing topwaters, rattle traps, spinnerbaits, etc, in the mornings will continue to be highly effective. Once the sun is up high and the bite slows, pitch grass lines and I wish you the best, we’ll be back at the dock till the bite picks up consistently after 1030-1130.
For those that are fishing in Winter Haven, the South Chain, and other lakes, this has been an off-summer. We’re used to big schools of bass chasing bait all over the lakes in deep water this time of year and it’s been scattered at best. The best baits have still been pop-r’s, smaller swimbaits, jerk baits, and flukes. We’re catching good fish, I guess I’m just used to more surface activity this time of year here.
I want to let the readers know we have a new reel sponsor, Piscifun Fishing. Go to piscifun.com and use promo code “CaptScott15” for a 15% discount on all orders. Detailed info is available on our website under on the Reports page.
Submitted By: Capt. Scotty Taylor
TMC Guide Services, llc • 855-354-8433
Scott@TMCGuideService.com • TMCGuideService.com
Capt. Scott is the official guide for
VisitCentralFlorida.org & Guy Harvey Camp Mack Lodge, Marina & RV Resort