North Eleuthera Fishing Forecast – March 2013

Kevin Norden from Long Island, New York. On this trip, 32 bonefish averaging from 3 to 6 pounds were caught. PHOTO CREDIT: Capt. Ryan Neilly.

[dropcap]S[/dropcap]pring is in the air and during March you can expect to catch some tiger grouper. These can be caught just outside the reef at depths of 60 to 90 feet that extend from Egg Island to the Devil’s Backbone. The bait of choice is white or yellow jigs or a Yo-Zuri lure. For yellowfin tuna and mahi-mahi, just head out to the Dutch Bars and Shallow Ground. Both are being caught with X-Raps, ballyhoo with skirts and live bait if possible. If an inshore adventure is something you are looking for there is a great supply of bonefish on the flats around Spanish Wells. Bait of choice is a brown or white feather, but some fishermen are having a good catch with Crazy Charley lures with bright eyes. The fishing in the North Eleuthera area is heating up so head on over!

FORECAST BY: Capt. Ryan Neilly
Spanish Wells, Bahamas
Phone: (242) 333-4721
Cell: (242) 359-7894