November Page #1

November Page #1


As you read the fishing forecasts this month, you will notice one thought running through all of them.  As always at this time of the year, we are all so grateful that cooler weather has finally arrived, and the fishing is great in both fresh and salt water.  It is so wonderful to need neither heat nor air, and open my French doors!  We know that the cold stuff will be here soon, so enjoy these glorious days of fall.

The recipe this month is Baked Crab Cakes for Two, on page 15.  Crab cakes are like meatloaf.  You can add almost whatever you like, and bake or pan fry.  Feel free to add a little hot sauce. You can get the steamed blue crabs from the Crab Plant in Crystal River.

In mid-October, I spent a long weekend in Chicago and Great Lakes, Illinois.  Our first-born grandson graduated from the Navy boot camp and is now a sailor.  It rained and then got very, very cold, and The Windy City lived up to its name.  He will be there in school for a couple of years.

See this page for photo of grandson Spencer with the gator that he and Cary caught in the Suwannee and thank you to John Freeze for the beautiful waterscape.

Off the subject, but would anyone like to adopt a kitten?

If you really enjoy reading something, or found a bit of advice especially useful, please call that writer and let them know that you appreciate the time they take to write for us.  You might also hire one of our guides for a special guided fishing experience.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, and get out there and catch something!