This weekend should be a great weekend for fishing. With the weatherman predicting a long steady period of warm temperatures, the fish should have adjusted from last weekend’s cold snap and getting back into their pre-spawn and spawning cycles. Speck fishing has improved both in fishing duration and quality of fish taken. Lake Okeechobee, the Kissimmee River, and the lakes in Highlands county all report good numbers. With the full moon this weekend, it could be a fantastic Speck bite. Bass fishing on the north side of Lake Okeechobee remains consistent while the south side is showing signs of improvement with a few females coming to the beds…

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Coastal Angler Magazine Okeechobee Edition

Welcome to the CAM Okeechobee November Edition...

November in south central Florida is one of the best times of the year for local residents. Mother Nature will be providing a hint of fall with cool nights and moderate daytime temperatures. The humidity should be on a downward slide and those pesky late afternoon thunderstorms will be in the distance past. There will also be a steady stream of old friends arriving from the north with plenty of stories and experiences to share at the backyard grill or over a cup of coffee.

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LURE OF THE MONTH: Reaction Innovations Sweet Beaver

February on the Big ‘O’ means changing weather patterns. One day it’s sunny and 80-degrees and the following morning you … Jan 27th, 2017

Species Spotlight: Green Sunfish

With the partnering of FWC and Fishbrain to track the distribution of fifteen non-native species within Florida waters, as a … Jan 27th, 2017

2020 Roland Martin Marine Center Series Results

Villegas and Stamm beat the heat in the near-record field for the win.Jul 30th, 2020

Ranger Boats set to debut new pontoon line

December 22nd, 2016 Ranger Boats is introducing a new line of pontoon boats for 2017 called Reata by Ranger, which … Jan 27th, 2017

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