Saltwater Fishing

Saltwater fishing, catch photos, surf fishing, inshore and offshore – it is all here.

Latest in Saltwater Fishing

Fishing Adventure

An Islamorada Fishing Adventure

Fishing in Islamorada is kind of like being a kid on Christmas morning. As the boat pulls away from the dock, your mind races through all the possibilities.
key west

Fish the Spring in Key West

With the spring sun warming the flats and warm fronts pushing across the southernmost point in the continental United States, Key West starts getting busy.
White Marlin Record

White Marlin Record

North Carolina’s New White Marlin Record A new state record for white marlin was recently certified by the North Carolina …

Wahoo! Wherever They May Roam

Wahoo! Wherever They May Roam By CAM Staff Whether as an incidental catch, when one screams into a billfish spread, …

Three in a Row For Southern Comfort at Treasure Cay Billfish Tournament

Photo Caption: Southern Comfort released this marlin during the June TCBT. Photo by Jonathan Wolff Three in a Row For …
key west

Flats Slam Off Key West

During this short window, all three of the most sought-after flats gamefish—tarpon, permit and bonefish—are feeding in shallow water.

Surf Fishing

Sharks Approach Surfers

Drone footage shows sharks approaching surfers and paddle boarders near the Fort Pierce Inlet in Fort Pierce, Florida. At one point a big shark nearly attacks a smaller shark right next to a surfer.

Fishing Tips, Advice & GuidesMore Tips, Advice & Guides

Core Concepts Make Ice Fishing Easier

Spending hours on a frozen lake isn’t easy, however with several of these tips from Tim Moore, you may find things going much smoother.

Latest News & EventsMore News & Events

Young Anglers Reel in Sailfish Dreams at Second Annual Keys Kids Tournament

On February 8th, fifty-seven young anglers set sail on 21 boats in the waters of Islamorada for the Second Annual Keys Kids Sailfish Tournament. This free, one-day event featured youth in two divisions: small-fry (ages 0-10) and junior (ages 11-16).