South Eleuthera Fishing Forecast – January 2013

The wahoo fun continues! PHOTO CREDIT: Ocean Fox Cotton Bay.

[dropcap]H[/dropcap]appy holidays to all! Mother Ocean is putting together a great early winter fishing party in the Bahamas and you are invited. Moon phase and tide still prove to be the best determining factor for fishing success. Wahoo are large and fast, and still hitting the same colors: red/black, black/purple and don’t forget the Marauder (black with a red eye). Also attending the party are dolphin and tuna. Dolphin are mostly peanut size with a few bulls and cows mixed in for good measure. Both yellowfin and blackfin are moving into south Eleuthera one by one. Soon we will have the bait, birds and then “frenzy” tuna action. Use lots of drag on the tuna and get them to the boat quickly if you want them whole. The man in the brown suit will follow the tuna for an easy meal. Fishing always has risks so be sure to practice “safety first”. Remote Out Islands such as south Eleuthera requires diligent preparation and safety should always be considered a priority.

Tight lines and a Happy New Year to all.

FORECAST BY: Chad Melton
Ocean Fox Cotton Bay Scuba Diving and Deep Sea Fishing
Davis Harbour Marina
Phone: 242-334-6300
Email:  | Website:
