Welcome back Yak fans. This month I’d like to share something I believe sums up who we are. In place of Father, yours might may say Brother, Uncle, neighbor, or even your Mom. In my case, it was my Grandfather.
Hope this touches you as it did me!
A. Dale Butler, my grandfather, was a man who had worn many hats. He was a lineman who first brought phone service to rural Indiana in the 20’s; I still have his gold commemorative pocket watch (a treasured keepsake). His resume also included barber, salesman, and on December 7th, 1941, a John Deere dealer. I remember him most as the guy who in the late 50’s and 60’s on the east coast of Florida, would take a kid fishing, and that kid was me.
A champion snook fisherman, who when the tides were right, would wake me at 3am, with a “Let’s go, if you’re coming.”, and I was always ready.
I hope this story makes you take a minute to remember that person who shared their love of fishing with you, and remember to be that person for someone else!!
Feel free to share your stories with me.
Till next month Bruce