What a great job I have!

Recently, I had a chance to meet a brave young man. His name is Matthew. His energy and attitude is hard to describe. His smile said it all! He’s only 11 years old and already has been in the hospital more than most of us will ever experience in a lifetime. He wanted so much to catch a fish like his two sisters and brother. With little use of his right arm due to a stroke a few months back, he had to reel in his fish with his left hand. His dad and I helped. But he caught the biggest fish of the day, a 20 pound mahimahi, which he is getting mounted for his room and bragging rights. When he stepped on the boat that day his smile and energy never left his face. it made me think how blessed I was just to be in his presence. He’s been one of those people who I am truly happy to say I’m glad I got to meet! Thanks to his whole family for letting me take you out fishing! We all caught fish and I got to meet a special kid! What a great job I have… helping to create great memories!

~ Capt. Doug Rowe