Welcome to the Wind, Water, and Waves report, your update on what’s going on now and what to expect in the month ahead.
Winter is here! What does that mean for the Bahamas? Stronger winds and bigger waves! November brought the first cold front of the season allowing us to hit the water with our smaller kites ranging between 7 sq. meters and 10 sq. meters. The first front was a bit weak only dropping temperatures to the upper 70’s and increasing winds from 10 to 18 knots. The front also kicked up some surf on the northwest coast of San Salvador and Rum Cay. Head high sets were rolling in for several days after the front had past.
Looking ahead to late December and into January, we will be watching for cold fronts pushing off of the Florida coast. Weak fronts will usually fizzle out by the time they reach the “Out Islands” but stronger fronts have been known to turn on the waves, some ranging 15 foot plus on the southwest corner of Rum Cay at a little secret sport called Sandy Point. Temperatures are still in the 80’s and we are still hitting the water with just our boardshorts. So if you are tired of trying to stay warm despite your wetsuit, hop across the pond and enjoy what the outer islands of the Bahamas have to offer.
FORECAST BY: Jesse Cors & Bobby Little
Island Extreme Ventures, Rum Cay, Bahamas
Phone (242) 331-2862 or US 954-822-5373
Email Jcors@guyharveyoutpostrumcay.com
www.rumcaydivers.com or www.GuyHarveyOutpostRumCay.com