T he dock pilings, rocky edges and rock jetties within the confines of Port Canaveral usually become havens for sheepshead this month. Anglers using small live crabs- that are usually readily available at local tackle shops- will have the best chances of landing a quality stringer of these tasty fish. Rigged on a small stout short-shank hook these baits are irresistible to the sheepshead on most days. As a general rule the rougher the weather conditions, the better the sheepshead tend to bite. Other species that should be available should include flounder, jack, weakfish, pompano, and whiting. Most of these other fish species will hit live or cut shrimp. Outside of the Port, water temperatures are going to dictate what species will be available this month. If the water temps stay on the warm side (68-72 degrees) anglers should expect cobia, redfish, shark, and tripletail to all be potential catches, especially around pogie pods. If the temps dip below the 68 degree mark, then bluefish, weakfish, whiting and possibly tripletail will be the most likely catches anglers can expect to find.
Capt Jim Ross