Kids Fishing Clinic Port Canaveral

O n Saturday, June 28th, between the hours of 9:00 am and 1:00 pm we will present the 20th Annual Kid’s Fishing Clinic at Port Canaveral. This event is offered by the Florida Sport Fishing Association, The Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission, the Canaveral Port Authority, Sunrise Marina/Grills Restaurant and other local corporate and individual sponsors. The clinic is designed to teach basic angling skills to children of all ages. This free clinic features casting instruction, rod and reel selection, knot tying, tackle selection, fishing ethics, water and boating safety, and conservation principles. There will be displays of local marine wildlife and aquatic “touch” tanks, along with plenty of volunteers including local charter captains and guides to give the kids plenty of personalized hands on instruction.

The Canaveral Port Authority has joined us again in sponsoring this year’s event by providing cruise terminal #3 as our venue. The terminal area will be used for the classroom part of our event with the adjacent docks providing a place for the kids to catch the proverbial “Whopper.”

Hot dogs and soft drinks will be available on the “dock”. The U.S. Coast Guard and the Port Canaveral Fire Department will be on hand to insure a safe and fun day for all.

Last year we had more than 400 kids and their parents attend this free event. Each kid was given a brand new rod and reel, 6000 live shrimp were provided for bait, professional instruction was given to each kid on casting and “on the dock” fishing techniques,

This event requires over 150 volunteers and a sizable financial investment to make our Kid’s Clinic a success. Our actual out of pocket expense is approximately $10.00 per kid. I would like to ask you to help us defray some of the cost of this event. Please see one of the FSFA officers if you would like to donate and/or volunteer to help. Any excess funds over and above the cost of this event will be used to help fund marine/ wildlife educational programs throughout Brevard County.

For More Information or To Participate Contact Eric Griggs at