S lot sized black drum and redfish should be searching for an easy meal in the mangrove roots along the shorelines of the Banana River Lagoon. Live shrimp and fiddler crabs are good baits to use for them. Larger black drum can usually be found along the drop offs and deeper flats out in the main lagoon system. They often school up in groups of 20 to 50 fish. These larger fish usually weigh from about 15 to 40 pounds. Saltwater Assassin jig tails will work for them, but large live shrimp or cut crab are better choices on the days when they donât seem to be very aggressive. The slot sized redfish will also hit Saltwater Assassin shad tails that are fished close to shoreline vegetation or around the numerous docks that line the shores of this lagoon system. The reds will usually be holding under shallow docks during warmer periods, and in the deeper water or inner canal docks during colder spells. Speckled, sand, and silver trout will hit the Assassin tails worked near the same structures as mentioned for the redfish. Remember that the fish are usually less aggressive in the colder months so slow your presentation down, or even stop your retrieve on occasion. This will usually help you get more strikes during the cold weather we will be experiencing this month.