Brevard Surf Fishing Forecast


March being a transitional month leading into spring keeps me excited that the fishing will continue at its current pace. February had its highs and some lows as far as surf fishing the beach was concerned. One beach would produce good fishing and another right next to it would be ice cold (No Fish).Don’t get me wrong there were fish being caught and many did well with whiting, blues, sheepshead, flounder and black drum but, you had to pay your dues to the surf spirits. Or in other words, anglers had to fish a number of times during the month to be successful. As I look back on the month it was the surf anglers who moved around to different beaches that did the best. There I go again, another nuance to add to my ever growing list of things to check off before fishing. This then is a very easy to accomplish basic fishing tactic, don’t become a one beach fisherman. Explore the great beaches we have here in Brevard County. The more beaches you can fish at and become comfortable fishing, the greater opportunity you have to catch fish when others are being shut out.

Speaking of fishing nuances and the “how to of surf fishing” you might be interested in one of our Surf Fishing Workshops coming in March. Captain Smith and I will be winding down our winter season of workshops which are geared to both the beginner and advanced surf angler. Learn the fine points of surf fishing, tips, tactics and techniques that separate the surf angler from the surf fisherman. For more information on the following dates please contact me at
