May is the month when baitfish swarm into the near-shore waters and you just never know what species may show up on the end of your fishing line.captjimrossMay 23rd, 2016
As a Guide I am always looking for ways to improve my anglers catch ratio without turning it into “rocket science” while making it fun.Brevard - Capt Pat MurphyApr 30th, 2016
Seasons don’t really change much here on the Space Coast. It kind of just goes from warm in the fall, winter, and spring to super hot in the summer!Capt. AlexApr 30th, 2016
As the mullet populations dwindle, flounder will become frequent catches around Port Canaveral, Sebastian Inlet, and Ponce Inlet. Capt. AlexNov 17th, 2015
November arrived with a brand new group of predators for anglers to try out new fishing tactic’s against. Bonnethead sharks, … Brevard - John DetmerNov 17th, 2015
November is the time Anglers start looking for flounder in Sebastian Inlet and most start targeting the fish the weekend … Brevard - Capt Glyn AustinNov 17th, 2015