Speckled trout will be prowling the flats during the early morning periods. Anglers getting on the water at first light will have the best chance to get one of the larger “gator” trout on a topwater plug. Walk the dog style plugs like the Rapala Skitterwalk are very good choices on most mornings. captjimrossJul 30th, 2014
Most of you already know our local redfish population is fairly unique as these fish do not migrate to the ocean to spawn. Throughout the red drum’s entire range (Atlantic and Gulf) redfish typically leave the shallow lagoons and backwaters for the coastal ocean waters. Brevard EditionJul 30th, 2014
There is a lot going on the Mosquito Lagoon even in August. Sure, it’s hotter than the hinges of Hades, but we have ways to combat this!Brevard EditionJul 30th, 2014
Sebastian Inlet is a great place to fish in July. Snook and redfish are spawning and the jacks are chewing anything they can get a hold of. We like to fish live bait along the jetties as well as drift the inlet day or night for great action throughout the entire month. A live pinfish rigged on a 5/0 VMC circle hook and 50lb fluoro leader will do the trick during the month.Brevard - Capt Glyn AustinJun 29th, 2014
Happy July! I’m sure many of you are happy now that we get to catch the extinct Red snapper. I say whatever! They’re allowing us to keep a fish that they say there’s not enough around? Well I challenge that person to actually go on a boat out of the port and go see the truth. Brevard - Chris CameronJun 29th, 2014
Well summer is here and the weather is getting hot. The one thing on everyone’s mind RED SNAPPER! If you haven’t heard we will be able to fish the elusive creature. The open season for them is as follows, July 11-13, July 18-20 and July 25 & 26.Brevard - Capt Douglas KaskaJun 28th, 2014
Anglers are hoping that Cape Canaveral fishing will be as hot as the weather this month along the beaches outside of the Port. July is usually a month where “the bite” is determined by the availability of bait on most days. Anglers will be looking for pods of pogies, greenies, pilchards, and glass minnows because these are the food source for the predators they are seeking. captjimrossJun 28th, 2014
Speckled trout catches should remain decent in the flats during the cooler morning periods. Once the sun get up in the sky they will generally shut off though. Look for areas that mullet are congregating in and use Rapala Skitterwalk or BX “waking” minnow plugs around these schools of baitfish.captjimrossJun 28th, 2014