Canaveral Offshore Report: Oct 2013

Mike took Brian out shark fishing for the first time since doctors told him he would not walk again. Mike helped him out with the walker and did some work.
Mike took Brian out shark fishing for the first time since doctors told him he would not walk again. Mike helped him out with the walker and did some work.

For those of you that have been waiting to catch something different, other than kings and tarpon, or I should say, take some fish home for dinner, wait no longer as the fall run is upon us.

This is a great time of year to target the fish that migrated north in the springtime that now migrate back south (if in fact that’s what’s going on) mahi, wahoo and sails will start to show up. We already started seeing many phins hit the fish boards at Bluepoints Marina. Nothing huge but a few decent ones for sure. King fishing starts to heat up again as well. Although November is historically the timeframe that the larger schools come in this is when they start showing up.

The fall run in generally not as great as the spring run but its still decent fishing. It seems like many fish are being caught shallow and on slow trolled live pogies while king fishing. We had guys catch a stray wahoo and sailfish in 25 feet water off the pier a few weeks ago. But now is the time to start rigging your ballyhoo and concentrating on the temperature breaks and weed lines again. Start out in 100 foot or so then go deeper. Don’t pass fish to find fish. Be sure to put out some naked ballyhoo for the sails. And don’t forget the shotgun rig. Wire rigged and sent way out there.

Continue to use live pogies and mullet working the regular reefs. Don’t pass up the wrecks. Chances are if there’s piles of bait on it then something’s there. I had a slow day last week and decided to go try a wreck. The water was boiling with small sardines. My first pass through it was doubled up with a fat king and bonita. Then it was a bonita fire fight. It was a lot of fun!

Beach fishing is heating up as well. I know many are taking advantage of the nice weather and bait on the beaches right now catching pompano, flounder, snook and whiting.
Sharking from the beach is going off good too. A few nights ago a good friend had a bonita chunk devoured by a 175lb tarpon just off the beach.
