Fly Fishing

Everything on fly fishing, fly casting, fly lure & bait advise, tips and features found here and brought to you by our expert anglers.

Latest in Fly Fishing

Fishing the Mayfly Hatch for Quality Bass in Early Summer

One of the most overlooked patterns by Bass Anglers in early summer is the “Mayfly Hatch” On lakes and rivers in the Mid South, such as Kentucky Lake, Guntersville, Lake Lanier and Nickajack Lake the peak of the hatches occur during the months of June and July.
saltwater fly fishing

Saltwater Fly Fishing

Many people are astonished when they hear someone mention fly fishing in saltwater. They shouldn’t be because fly fishing our oceans and sounds is a growing sport.

The Line Between Life and Death: Fly Fishing from Kayaks

Paddle fishing is a term covering a large number of angling styles. Among these styles is the challenge of fly fishing from a kayak.

Time to Ditch the Deaddrift

If you’ve ever tried fly fishing, you’ll know that one concept is pounded into your brain over and over and over. Getting a drag free drift is the holy grail of fly fishing.

The Next Greatest Tarpon Fly?

I ventured in to fly fishing armed only with a rod made by myself, a Pflueger Medalist (back when they were still made in the USofA) fly reel, and a book by George X.

What Are Wooly Boogers Made Of?

On a recent trout fishing trip with a few friends from different countries, the usual discussion over lunch was, ' What are they hitting on?'

Fly Spotlight

Fly of the Month: Conner’s Nutter Butter

The Nutter Butter is a great pattern that falls toward the natural color palette, featuring mostly tans and browns and natural material like coyote fur. Something I have noticed is these subtle colors can draw a strike when brighter colors will not, making streamers like the Nutter Butter a staple for any streamer fisher’s box.

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