Fly Fishing

Everything on fly fishing, fly casting, fly lure & bait advise, tips and features found here and brought to you by our expert anglers.

Latest in Fly Fishing

Fly Fishing the Seychelles

In the Indian Ocean, about 1,000 miles off the east coast of Africa, there is an archipelago that claims the highest density of bonefish in the world...

Go Find Some Fall Reds on the Fly

Redfish spawn in fall. What this means is spawning-sized reds, the bull reds, will be moving in from offshore across much of their range in preparation.

Hunting Streams for Fall’s Brown Butter

When the mercury begins to take the plunge and daylight starts to dwindle, big mature brown trout start their yearly routine of procreation.

Nine Alternative Deceiver Patterns

Lefty describes the Deceiver as a tying method rather than a specific fly pattern. Here are a few “alternative” Deceivers you should think about tying.

Tips for Sight Casting to Reds

Plentiful throughout the Gulf States, the redfish provides a great fly fishing opportunity for all skill levels who want to sight fish shallow clear water.

High Flying Tuna

After a two-hour run into the open Gulf of Mexico, there they were on the horizon. Two shrimp boats marking the spot like an X on a secret treasure map

Fly Spotlight

Fly of the Month: Conner’s Nutter Butter

The Nutter Butter is a great pattern that falls toward the natural color palette, featuring mostly tans and browns and natural material like coyote fur. Something I have noticed is these subtle colors can draw a strike when brighter colors will not, making streamers like the Nutter Butter a staple for any streamer fisher’s box.

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