Hot Stono Bite – Shane Clevenger


Holy crap there were a lot of people on the water this past weekend! If it hadn’t of been for the fact that this was the first time in recent memory it didn’t rain on us, I’d of never considered tossing the boat in the water.


Unfortunately, or fortunately (I guess it depends how you look at it) our addiction got the best of us and Lauren and I decided to brave the masses and venture out on the Stono for a little low tide sight fishing.


We found fish busting bait at just about every spot we came to but just couldn’t get anything to eat at dead low. It was a different story once that chocolate milk (yep…clarity is still awful) started to ease back in the creeks and cover up those oyster beds though.


This is when the reds got aggressive. We stuck ‘em on just about every grub we threw out there; Z-man MinnowZ, D.O.A. Shad Tails and Airheads all did the trick.

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This is a great time of year to get out there and bend some rods, so if you need any tackle, bait or advice be sure to swing by one of our 4 Charleston Angler tackle shops and we’ll hook you up!


Shane Clevenger – The Charleston Angler