As summertime heat swept through April, the above normal temperatures advanced the stages of the spawn quickly on Lake Jackson. Water temps are now well into the low 80’s. This is good because fishing patterns will stabilize, but with the lower water levels, we’re going to need some rain or we’ll all be fishing out of kayaks and canoes.
One great thing about May bass fishing is the top water bite. Big post-spawn females and just plain hungry fish can all be caught on top water. Oxygen levels are high in the top of the water column, especially during low light hours and on windy days. A high-speed reel, stout rod, braided line and an weighted Owner hook with your favorite soft plastic top water bait can be deadly for catching not only numbers of bass, but for big ones too. Not all bass feed on top; many can be caught on a variety of baits and a variety of ways. Other baits to try include floating worms, spinner baits, buzz baits and weighted worms fished near isolated cover and points.
Vegetation grows quickly as water warms. Areas that were wide open are now dotted with patches of lily pads and dollar bonnets. These are great areas to target because bait fish gather here bringing in the bass.
Toward the end of the month daytime temps can reach well into the 90’s making it very uncomfortable. Night fishing is another way to catch bass, so if you do go fishing at night, patterns will probably be very similar to those during low light periods. BUT, a couple of safety tips for night fishing include: for safety, let someone know you’re going, and give them a time you’ll be off the lake. That way, if you’re not back near your scheduled time they can send help. Bring an extra flashlight and most important of all, WEAR YOUR LIFE JACKET!
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(850) 296-4071