Okeechobee Fishing Reports

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Angler Profile – Austin Springer

“I think I was around 3 or 4 years old, the first time I went fishing,” Austin Springer recalled.  “My … Feb 27th, 2022


I woke up the morning of July 3rd 2016 at around 6:00 am with a little bit of gitty in … Feb 25th, 2022

Determining the Best Freshwater Fishing Times

The start of the 2017 calendar year is still fresh and already the 2017 Speckled Perch Season is making headlines. Two weeks into the New Year and reports are coming in from Lake Okeechobee and Highlands County of large 2 to 2.5 lb slabs being boated on a regular basis. Aug 5th, 2021

2020 Roland Martin Marine Center Series Results

Villegas and Stamm beat the heat in the near-record field for the win.Jul 30th, 2020

Keeping Bass Alive: Don’t be fooled by ‘springtime’ in Florida

For most of the nation when one mentions springtime one thinks of warming temperatures, cold streams fed by recently melted snows and fish breaking out of their lethargic winter state. But here in Florida, it’s only mid-March and the air temperature has already climbed to over 90°F.Apr 8th, 2020

Winter Time Fishing On The Big ‘O’

We are always looking for excuses for why we didn’t catch fish and this time of year the cold water … Jan 27th, 2017

Florida Speckled Perch Season

The start of the 2017 calendar year is still fresh and already the 2017 Speckled Perch Season is making headlines. Two weeks into the New Year and reports are coming in from Lake Okeechobee and Highlands County of large 2 to 2.5 lb slabs being boated on a regular basis. Jan 27th, 2017

Hard Baits vs Soft Baits

This is a question I get all the time, “which is better, hard baits or soft baits”. Well they are … Dec 22nd, 2016

Bassmaster Elite Series Comes to Okeechobee

For fans of professional bass fishing, the return of the Bassmaster Elite Series to Lake Okeechobee on February 23 – 26 provides an opportunity to meet and greet some of the best professional fishermen the sport has to offer. The Bassmaster Elite Series is the sport’s highest level in professional bass fishing tournaments...Dec 20th, 2016

Hey Joe, where are they bittin? They’re in the Grass!

How many times have you heard that phrase before? Right off the top of my head I can recall about … Dec 5th, 2016