Okeechobee Fishing Reports

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Lake Okeechobee fishing report for March, 2022 by Capt. Angie Douthit

by Capt. Angie Douthit Lake Okeechobee bass and crappie fishing has been on fire and will continue to bite well … Mar 8th, 2022

Lake Okeechobee South End Report: Feb. 2017

Are you ready to get out of the cold snowy north and catch some bass? Well then Lake Okeechobee is … Jan 27th, 2017

Lake Okeechobee North End Report: Feb. 2017

Bass fishing on the north end of The Big ‘O’ has been up and down, just like the weather. Cooler … Jan 27th, 2017

Lake Okeechobee North End Report: Jan. 2017

Fishing on the north end of the Big ‘O’ has been for the most part very good; mild air temperatures … Dec 22nd, 2016

Lake Okeechobee South End Report: Jan. 2017

Happy New Years to ya’ll and a good year it is going to be here on Lake Okeechobee! The fishing … Dec 22nd, 2016
Lake Okeechobee Fishing Report

Lake Okeechobee South End Report: Dec. 2016

December is here and that means it is time to get ready for the Christmas holidays, but here on Lake … Nov 26th, 2016

Lake Okeechobee North End Report: Dec. 2016

It’s that special time of year where even the worst of fisherman can catch fish. It’s called Fall and it … Nov 26th, 2016


by Capt. Eddie Perry With Lake Okeechobee water levels on the rise from recent rains, we could see a level … Oct 30th, 2016

Lake Okeechobee South End Report: Oct 2016

Fall has finally come to south Florida and it will sure be a welcome relief from this hot summer. Even … Oct 3rd, 2016


With fall right around the corner and the lake level at 15.17 feet above sea level, bass fishing on the … Sep 30th, 2016