Kingfish will be moving in closer to shore and that will help the person with the smaller boat. Remember to have plenty of stinger rigs on board as a nice size king will twist that wire and you will not be able to be used again. Make sure your reels have plenty of line on them, if not, replace it because you never can tell when that 40lb king is going to take the bait.
The dolphin bite, I must say the pic above is from July in about 130ft, good fight too. Where did I go? I have been pulling baits from 70—250ft of water with very little results. We had a very strong bite early in the season but it has pretty much disappeared. I have been getting kings in the 100ft area also but not big ones.
Sailfish are still in the area and should be following active bait pods. This will put a smile on your face when you get that hookup. This past month I have gotten several sails and have seen plenty come to the back of the boat.
The bottom fishing bite has been terrible since the cold water upwelling. I look for that to change soon. The bite should be back on through the summer months. Triggerfish, grouper and Mangrove snapper will be caught.
The Big jacks are aggressively attacking top water plugs; this is some hard fast fun when nothing else is around.
Moving closer to the beaches, the tarpon bite will continue to get better and betteras the bait on the beach stays around. It has been hit or miss at times, when you do find them be patient as they will bite your bait and then its game on not ”fish on”.
In closing, I have been seeing VERY large sharks coming up to the boat so please, be very careful. In the past few weeks I have had Tiger sharks, Bull sharks and hammerheads come to the boat, I am talking in the 8—12 ft range.