Shrimp Report: December 2013


We are in December now and I would be lying to you if I did not admit there is some shrimp activity in the Oak Hill area. But, not enough to call in sick and sign up for a honey do list in exchange for a night out on the water. We see these lean segments of activity this time of year and it is always music to my ears when I hear the river crickets are in town. Some hardcore Brevard Titusville bridge dippers are putting their time in on the planks and really do not have much to show for their hours on deck.

But, the Brevard and Melbourne “Boys” have heart, and they watch over the structure for any bursts and sightings. You could probably get an Oak Hill quarter of a bucket if you time up with the moon phases (New or Full moon). Personally, I like to get my maiden voyage and Murphy’s law out of the way while the river is not swollen. Trust me, I have the same mishaps as anyone else except I am NO lady when I get “bit” by equipment, boat or sport failure. My tour dates are being worked out and you can get my seminar schedule at All my seminars are free but the venues hosting them have limited seating. The first seminar is Dec 9th in New Smyrna at the Mid Coast Fly-Fisher. You must RSVP or you won’t get in, these seminars fill up (contact or call 407-330- 4852. The shrimping industry has matured and we no longer pray up “Hail Mary’s” and hope we make bank. We shrimpers are technological “Geeks” and appreciate the art of fine gear.

Where is the industry now? Directional LED shrimp lights, the MacDaddy series appeared on my radar Feb 2013 and has been around since 2011. This light is so spectacular, other light builders have copied the MacDaddy so be careful. What do I throw? I am a brat. I throw 3 lights which are the MacDaddy GW 60/60 (fire up both white and green LED at same time = 120 LED). My set is 3, 6 and 9pm if you looked at a clock. My battery is a $60 tractor battery and I use 2 of them, my back net (frame net) is the Shumaker collapsible 4×4. This frame net reduces the twist in the tide compared to original model we have seen for years. DO you need 3 lights? No, you should have at least 2 lights at 3 and 9pm to create a goal post effect to herd the shrimp into the mono. Remember, this is an outgoing tide sport in Oak Hill and wind driven in Brevard at night because the winter shrimp HATE light. DO I anchor my boat bow into the tide? No, my boat is perpendicular (horizontal in the tide). I set 2 anchors (bow and stern, plow and claw anchor). Why such heavy anchor artillery? Hydrodynamic drag as a result of frame net deployment and strong tides being set horizontal in tide. Please stay 75 yards away from the commercial shrimp boats. Please set off center if you are in front of a commercial boat and NEVER anchor directly in front of them, they are trying to make a living, and we do not need to be a nuisance to them.

Shrimping is fun, make me prove it. If you need gear call me (386)479-4175, come see the Academy at Oak Hill Flea Market every Sunday, or order gear ramp delivery service. Ramp delivery? Yup, I cannot resist teaching in the parking lot. Oh, the shrimp are safe to eat despite the summer & fall brown tide reports. Happy Holidays to all and to all a good bite.
